09 November, 2007


I got home today...changed clothes, slipped into something more comfortable, and turn on my computer. My msn messenger popped up, i was looking for her..but she was not there. So..i started to browsing around. I checked my friendster..."nothing's new.." but in the corner of my eye i saw the familiar photo..a little girl kissing her mom on a cart or something like that..and a man with the bored expression, oblivious to the surrounding behind the little girl and her mom.

It was a bulletin board..and the title says " Sangsakala?". I quickly opened the bulletin board and read through the content. It all started with standard questions such as.."Where do u live?" and "What is your birthday?". Then i saw my name mentioned there..which was a reference to her scent. I smiled.

Then come the all hypothetical question " What do u wish for at the moment?" and she replied " Can't wait to get to 24 November (Which is the date where she is supposed to fly back to jakarta). I smiled again..even wider.

And then came another question " What do u wanna do right now?" and her answer was.."bringing lunch for my procurement engineer." and suddenly i really missed her..not that i never miss her..i miss her all the time..but at that time..i felt really lucky to have her and the only thing that i wanted the most at that very moment was to have her close to me.

People usually feel that being single is the best thing that ever happen to them. You can do whatever you want,with no commitment, and freedom to choose, but i think in the end,people are always longing for affection and attention. What i am talking about here is the genuine, honest affection, not the kind of affection that is artificial.

It is always good to know that there is someone out there caring for you and loving you for what you are. I guess that is also what makes breaking up is so difficult..knowing or accepting the fact that he or she is no longer care for you,but instead he or she is caring and loving for someone else.

Right now..i just feel very fortunate to have someone that cares for me and loving me for who i am. Hopefully everyone at any point in their life is as fortunate as me....

25 September, 2007

Something that has been missing a long time ago..

I was with my dad at one of the drug stores the other night..
"It's going to take about 45 minutes to prepare the medicine" that's what the pharmacist said..
So me and my dad sat there on the bench..waiting..
it's been a long time since me and my dad had a chance to talk..just the two of us..
I asked " how long did u work in Sudarpo (a small IT company in 1970's)? "
"7 years..." he replied..
I was amazed..."why did u stay around that long dad?"
" Well..i liked the job..and i learn alot.." he said..."but i kind of regreted in a way...7 years is a long time".."But..i had ambitions...lofty goals" he added.
" Every year i went up..had promotions..eventhough i started out from the bottom.."
I asked again.."what was ur first salary dad?"
He paused...and looked at me " 22 thousand rupiah" and then he laughed..
"It was a small company...that's why the increment of salary increase was meager.."
" I had to argue and complaint to the HRD about my salary increase every year" he laughed again..
" But..i was moving up..at the end of my tenure my salary was 86 thousand rupiah"
and then we both laughed.
" No matter what u do..where u work...u should have that kind of passion and ambitions son..and i guarante you..u will get something good out of it.."
I was stunned...ambitions...i suddenly realized..that it was the main thing that i lacked of the whole time...
With ambitions..come passions...and i haven't had both for a long time..
That's what drives you forward...and up...
If you do your lives as it is...without goals..then...it will be stagnant.
What seems like a simple and obvious thing..sometimes we can easily forget about it..
So dad...thanks for reminding me...

03 September, 2007

Long Distance..Sucks?

Long distance..i think LD is one of those terms that not many people want to get involved in the first place..especially for couple. Unfortunately..this is what me and my girlfriend are going through right now.

She went to Singapore early August to pursue her Master's and i stayed here in Jakarta to pursue the routines of living..working.

I have heard a lot of stories about LD from my friends, colleagues, and family...and about 2/3 of them do not have happy endings. Some of the reasons for the break ups are trust issue, boredom, communication, and last but not least affair with other people. To be honest with you.. at first me and my gf didn't know what to expect and what to do with this whole LD thing. All i could think was " are we going to survive?"

But in spite all of the negative stories and discouraging tales, i found some ray of hope. There were also couples that went through LD with happy endings. Case #1, a friend of mine whom i knew from college, were in LD with his then-gf for four years! four long years! This was not a simple LD such as Jakarta - Bali, Jakarta - KL, etc....this was quite big...Jkt - Texas. And another remarkable thing was..during those 4 years...they never met...they never visited each other even for once. Imagine that...and when i said they had a happy ending in the end...they did. Once my friend went back to Jkt...they got married a few months later.

Case # 2...one of my gf best friend is also planning to get married soon. The story line is.. they have been together for about 7 years...and during those 7 years..they were constantly apart from one another...either the guy was stationed in Medan..the girl went to Holland for her master's...or most recently the girl was in KL to work and the guy still in Medan. But...now she is in Jkt to prepare for their wedding this year. Another happy ending.

So...from those 2 stories alone..i can conclude that LD is not as bad as it seems. Although it is not going to be easy but it is not impossible. I think some of the thinks that you and your partner need to have in long distance relationship are trust...high level of understanding one another..commitment..transparancy..loyalty..constant communication and a little bit of sacrifice.

Trust is going to be needed for your and your partner own sake. If you don't have trust then it will get into your head eventually. This trust is needed to keep you balanced... so there are no paranoia involved. If you don't have trust...you will spend all your time worrying about your partner, which u are unable to monitor all the time of course. " Is he/she cheating on me right now?" " Is there any other people that he/she is seeing right now?" " what is my partner doing this time of night?" "is my partner flirting with other people? etc...u get the idea. But, if you trust your partner..then it will be alot more fun. U don't need to be worry of your partner all the time...just believe that ur partner is open to you and committed to you. In the end it will be better of for both of you.

High level of understanding deals more to the situation of LD itself. When you are in a LDR...then there will be a lot of constraints such as time...you can have big time differences with your partner..and u have to understand that.U cannot force ur gf to chat with you, for instance if at your local time is 4 pm but at your gf's local time is 4 am! Another form of understanding...is to make sure that your partner can trust you completely. For instance..if you are going out with your friends late at night...just let him/her know, where your abouts, what time u go home, and with who are u going out with. That would make ur partner feel comfortable..instead of just disappeared like wind...that would make your partner panic. Just try to put yourself in your partner's shoes.

Commitment and loyalty i think can go together. If you are loyal and have great commitment to your partner..then i think this LDR will be piece of cake. For instance..just be open about people around you to your partner. If there is a guy/girl making a move on you..you should tell to your partner..to let your partner know" hey don't you worry...even though there is someone trying to make a move on me...i am still committed to you...no matter what" and also...if your loyal..then stay away from people that are trying to make a move on you..:) i think that is the best thing to do.

Communication is also really important..for two people that are separated...what more can be important than communication? It is the glue that bond you and your partner together. Without constant communication, a relationship is lost. Just imagine...you are in Jkt and your gf is in Spain...and you guys are only communicating once a week...can you imagine what kind of disaster is waiting to happen there? Just try to keep in touch everyday...it does not have to be 2 hours or even 1 hour...it depends on the situation even though you are really busy...just try to spare some time to keep in touch with your partner, either by sms, chatting or phone. Talk about everything..be open. It is crucial.

The last thing is sacrifice...what i am talking about here is just little things...but even though they are little things..they mean a lot.For example..Even though ur day was very hectic...papers...exams...projects etc...and ur exhausted..just spare a little time..u know communicating with your partner..either by phone...or chatting with web cam. This little things would mean so much to your partner...he/she will feel that even though ur exhausted u would still have time for he/she. Or...if your "pulsa"is zero...then just immediately top it up...just to make sure that u can keep communicating with your partner. Just little things..but they mean a lot.

So far...i think me and my gf have done all of the above...well not all went smooth obviously..but we're improving and learning each day. It's been 1 month we are apart...even though it is not easy..but me and my gf are getting used to it...not getting used to be apart...but getting used to managing the distance and the gap between us. I really miss my gf... but i know that we will have happy ending in the end...because we are committed to each other...we are loyal to each other...and the most important thing...we love each other. :)

17 August, 2007

Mengapa saya boros?

Mengapa saya boros? salah satu pertanyaan yg sering gua lontarkan ke diri gua sendiri...dan juga ke orang laen. Kayanya buat gua tuh susah bgt untuk berhemat dan menabung..gak kaya ade2 gua...mereka terkenal hemat di keluarga gua...dan gua terkenal sebagai tukang boros..hehe.

Bayangin aja...ade gua yg kedua...waktu dia sekolah di texas...dia tuh bisa..setiap hari cuman beli double cheese mcdi yg notabene harganya 1 dolar us each dan dia beli 2 biji saja untuk makannya. Dan dia bisa konsisten...setiap hari cmn ngeluarin maks 4 dolar untuk makan dengan jalan membeli fast food2 murah. Bayangin ampir tiap hari dia kaya gt! Luar biasa kan?

Gua jangan ditanya...gua jg udah nyoba hidup kaya gitu...gua cmn beli burger mcdi tiap hari...seminggu masih ok...2 minggu masih ok...3 minggu mulai eneg...dan abis sebulan akhirnya malah gua yg gak tahan...gua lsg menggila...gua gak mao lg liat yg namanya burger mcdi..hehe. Jadilah program hemat gau gagal.

Ade gua yang paling kecil beda lg...dia bisa tahan berminggu2...wiken termasuk...gak keluar rumah...jadi kerjaannya cmn maen game sama nonton di kamer aja. Hebat kan? Gimana dia gak hemat...hehe. Gua gak bakal bisa kaya gitu...di samping gua jg gak segitu game freak.

Sebenernya kalo mo hemat...gampang sih..planning dan disiplin atas plan kita. Lagi2 disiplin. Untuk urusan planning kayanya gua sih gak ada masalah..planning gua kayanya gak kalah ama orang2 laen dan ade2 gua..cuman untuk masalah eksekusi nah itu dia problemnya.

Contohnya...misalnya gua udah netapin sebulan tuh tagihan HP cmn boleh maksimal 200 ribu..cuman dalam kenyataannya...gua terlalu males untuk mengontrol pemakaian gua. Gua males untuk ngecek2 pulsa.."udah berapa yah nih?"..."ah masih dikit kayanya nih...hantem aja". Dan akhir bulan ketika bill dateng...dengg denggg...gua lsg stres sendiri..hehe...ngeliat tagihan membludak...lalu abis itu langsung dimulai penyesalan...trus abis itu mulai lah tekad2 baru. "Gua beneran nih bulan depan gak bakal kaya gini, etc" Tapi sebagian besar masih terjadi aja keborosan...hehe.

Gua bukannya gak nyoba alternatif2 untuk menurunkan pemakaian...udah banyak...mulai dari beli cdma...sampe bela2in gak pake kartu kredit...cmn akhir2nya pasti ada aja yg bolong.

Gua juga udah sempet analisa pengeluaran2 gua...dan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengeluaran terbesar gua adalah untuk makan! yup...makan...kayanya gak penting yah...cmn makan doang...masalahnya dr dulu gua jg dianugerahi selera makan yang besar sih...gak tau kenapa...kayanya kl soal makan pasti rakus...maonya nambah dan berlebihan...gak heran kl berat badan gua beberapa taun terakhir lsg naek mulu.

Yang kedua paling banyak biasanya tagihan HP...walaupun ada beberapa masa dimana gua bisa neken pengeluaran HP gua. Yang ketiga yaitu bensin...dan terakhir tol. Dari analisa2 di atas..sebenernya kl diliat..agak menyedihkan jg kan...uang dipake2 cmn buat makan dan telfon.

Makanya itu gua lagi2 mencanangkan disiplin diri untuk berhemat. Gua yakin gua bisa..dan gua yakin semua orang yg ngalamin masalah yg sama pasti bisa. Mungkin yang bisa jadi katalis adalah jika kita mempunyai goal ato tujuan yang ini kita capai. Misalnya kaya gua...tujuan gua simpel aja sih...pengen beli rumah sama kalo bisa jg nabung untuk kawin nanti...yah walaupun simple...cmn pengorbanan yg harus dilakuin udah pasti gak gampang. Cuman kalo kita punya tujuan yg mao kita raih at least kita jadi lebih terpacu untuk melakukan hal2 untuk menuju kesana. Dan oh ya..gak bakal rugi juga kl kita punya orang yg trus ngingetin kita sama crewet2 dikit dalam hal ini yaitu berhemat. Seperti gua punya si gadis kecil...yg setia memotivasi gua..:)
hehe. Selamat menabung!

Time Management

Rutinitas...mungkin buat sebagian orang..kata itu berkonotasi negatif..sebagian orang berpendapat sebaliknya...bahwa rutinitas itu berkonotasi positif. Gua akuin...gua termasuk sebagian orang yang menganggap bahwa rutinitas itu negatif. Menurut gua rutinitas itu menjemukan dan berat untuk dilakukan. Buat gua untuk melakukan rutinitas tiap hari diperlukan disiplin yang tinggi dan time management yg bagus.

Contohnya bokap gua, rutinitas dia tiap hari adalah: bangun jam 4.30 pagi...shalat subuh..mandi...langsung mantengin komputer (blom ganti baju kantor) untuk ngecek kerjaan, email dll...sarapan jam 7 (tepat pada saat gua bangun) ...balik lagi depan komputer..jam 7.45 mulai ganti baju...dan jam 8 berangkat.

Sedangkan gua?..boro2...subuh aja susah bangun..walaupun ampir tiap hari niat...bangun pagi aja..sangat fluktuatif. Bisa mulai dari jam 6 pagi sampai paling siang jam 7.50 pagi. Sebenernya masalah kaya gitu kan gampang solusinya..yah jangan tidur malem lah..plg ngga jam 12 malem udah harus tidur, cuman yah kembali lagi ke masalah disiplin, fokus dan time management. Harusnya tidur jam 12..tapi malah sering kebablasan..tidur jam 2 ato jam 3..ngerjain hal2 laen seperti ceting, brosing, ngerjain kerjaan,dll. Itu dia...soalnya time management nya berantakan.

Pulang kantor jam 8 lah, abis itu makan sampe jam 8.30. Nah abis itu yang berat tuh..cape kan...trus kenyang lagi...langsung males ngapa2in...solat males..baca buku males...pengennya males2an..alhasil dari jam 8.30 sampai jam 2 ato jam 3 pagi biasanya diisi dengan nonton tv..ceting..brosing..dll. Bandingin sama orang yang disiplinnya tinggi...pulang kantor jam 8. Makan sampe jam 8.30..nonton tv sampai jam 10. Jam 10 sampai jam 12 bisa ceting/brosing ato baca buku yang berguna. Jam 12 teng tidur...matiin lampu. Soal kerjaan? yah kerjaan harusnya gak dibawa ke rumah lah...harusnya kerjaan udah selse di kantor. Jadi harusnya gua gak ngerjain tugas kantor di rumah..lagi2 time management. Mantep kan?..gua yakin juga pasti bangunnya gak bakal susah...jam 6 pasti udah bangun dan hidup pasti terasa lebih teratur..in the end u will feel good about your self.

Nah sejak awal bulan nih..gua udah bertekad pengen jadi disiplin,fokus sama punya time management yang bagus. Udah lumayan sih...sekarang (agak) disiplin soal shalat...walaupun subuh masih sering kelewat..masalahnya soal tidur juga masih susah sih...kadang2..masih jam 1 atau jam 2 tidurnya. Tapi it's improving lah. Gua gak pernah telat lagi bangunnya, paling telat tuh gua bangun jam 6.15 sekarang..:)

Next...harus bisa nih solat 5 waktu dapet...trus berangkat dari rumah paling ngga jam 6.40 dan tidur paling lambat jam 12. Seperti kata AA Gym...intinya pengendalian diri! Semuanya yang menentukan kita sendiri bukan orang lain. Ok..wish me luck!

Conservative Blogging..

Akhirnya guabikin blog juga. Kayanya emang gua ketinggalan banget sih...orang2 dari jaman batu udah pada bikin blog...sedangkan gua baru aja bikin di jaman udah serba canggih ini...yang mana blog itu kayanya udah biasa. Yah mungkin itu gara2 satu kejelekan gua juga sih...konservatif. Gua emang orangnya lumayan konservatif. Gua kayanya bukan orang yang suka nyoba hal-hal baru...atau hal-hal yg lagi in. Jadi biasanya gua sering terlambat kaya gini.

Tadinya pas orang2 pada bikin blog..pikiran gua " ah ngapain..buang2 waktu aja...kaya gak ada kerjaan..males bgt bikinnya..buat apa sih? Cuman setelah sering baca blog orang2..lama2 tertarik juga. Kayanya enak aja...nuangin segala sesuatu yang ada di pikiran atau hati lo..segala uneg2 lo yang gak bisa (gak sempet) diomongin, ke dalam tulisan atau blog ini.

Well anyway...like old saying says..it's better late than never...let the blogging begins!