08 February, 2008

Work to Live or Live to Work?

Do you work to live or live to work? i choose the first. I work to live, not the other way around. I'm not saying that people who are workaholic, are bad or wrong..i'm just sharing a different opinion.

My philosophy is between social life and work life, there has to be a balance. When it is time to work..you work. You work as hard as you can and you give your 100%, but when it is time to relax or rest...then use it fully, don't force yourself.

I have seen people who work 60 hours a week or even more, on a daily basis. I sometimes wonder, how their body would even survive the gruesome load that they took everyday. Surely someday their body would collapse, if they keep it up.

Okay, people will say that if you want to be succesfull and rich, then you have to make sacrifices. You have to be willing to give up your social life for the exchange of success, money and prestige.
Most of millionaires fall into this category. They bust their tail off from the beginning. Working tirelessly, and now, they are on the top of the world. Fame, money, big houses, they have everything.

But not for me..my thought is if you cannot enjoy your hard work, then what is the point of you working? For me, spending time with my family, my loved one,and my friend is equally as important as working itself.

Please notice, equally important, that means..if i have a job that needs to be done,then i will finish the job done, but don't expect me to come in on saturdays and sundays 4 consecutive weeks in a row. If it does, then expect me to not come to work again...period, because i will be looking for another job, no matter how big the current salary is.